Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Warning: This is gross!

Our week started out on an odd note, one that I couldn't help but laugh at when I probably should have been disgusted. The morning started out with breakfast and then a bath. When I took Reese out of the bath I left him in just a diaper. Around 10 I put him down for a nap. This is the time that I usually get dressed for the day. He was not happy about taking a nap and fussed, but he was left in the bed anyway. I brought the baby monitor into the bathroom and got in the shower. After a few minutes he quited down and went to sleep (so I thought!). As I was getting out of the shower he started fussing again, so I quickly dried off and put on my robe. I went into his room and he was standing in his crib completely naked. He had stripped off his diaper (a common occurrence lately) and thrown it to the side. His pillow had poop on top of it and under it. I picked him up to clean him and saw that some poo was still hanging off his bottom. When he was clean I put him in his pack and play so that I could clean the bed up. When I went to take him out of the pack and play, he was naked yet again! The diaper was on the floor and he was standing there with a big smile on his face. I know it is gross, but of course I took pictures. Maybe one day we will reveal them to the world!

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